Meaning Moderated list
What does Moderated list mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Moderated list. You can also add a definition of Moderated list yourself


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Moderated list

A mailing list or forum with a person (moderator) responsible for reviewing all postings and ensuring they relate to the topic at hand. Multimedia Works that combine various communication media, such as text, graphics, sound and video.
Source: (offline)


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Moderated list

Moderators must approve any message posted to an email list before it is delivered to all subscribers. It is also possible for the moderator to edit or delete messages. A moderated list thus puts the [..]


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Moderated list

An Usenet newsgroup or Mailing List where submissions first go to an individual who serves as Moderator, who must approve an item before it is distributed to the group or list.

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